Related Instronline Products
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Our Products
MTR11 Protection Tube RTD Assemble - Flanged
MIEPL Protection Tube MTR11 RTD Assembly is important to protect RTD sensor from corrosion , direct flame and high flow & Pressure. This have flan...
Millennium Instrument Limited  (MIEPL)
MBS 32, Pressure transmitters with voltage output
Pressure transmitterMBS 33is designed for use in almost all industrial applications, and offers a reliable pressure measurement, even under harsh envi...
Pressure transmitter HME Smart HART - Performance Level PL 'c'
Pressure ranges from: 0-17 to 0-2000 bar / 0-250 to 0-30000 psi Accuracy: < ±0.25% FSO (H); < ±0.5% FSO (M) Fluid-filled system for temperatur...
SITRANS LC300 Capacitance Continuous Level Transmitter
SITRANS LC300 is an inverse frequency shift capacitance continuous level transmitter for liquids and solids applications. It is ideal for standard ind...
Atx Rail
The ATxRail is a 2-wire DIN rail mount temperature transmitter, microprocessor based designed for the flexibility of accepting mV, Pt100 and a variety...
GT Range single- and double-acting pneumatic piston actuators.
Design Single- and double-acting pneumatic piston actuators (rack and pinion) Action Standard 90°, optional 120°, 180° , 240° or custom angl...
Pointek ULS200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch
The Pointek ULS200 is an ultrasonic non-contacting switch with two switch points for level detection of bulk solids, liquids and slurries in a wide va...
Roundline double acting cylinder, 25mm diameter, 50mm stroke
ITEM: RT/57225/M/50 Saves 20% space over the basic length of a corresponding ISO/VDMA cylinder Low friction, long life seals High strength, dou...
Watson Smith 22mm MINISOL Miniature Solenoid Valves
MINISOL features high flow rates, various subbase patterns, and long life. The valves represent an excellent quality-to-price ratio for a pressure ran...
MTT04 Industrial Thermocouple Assembly - Adjustable Threaded
MIEPL make MTT04 Thermocouples are the most common, convenient, and versatile devices used to measure temperature. They convert units of heat into use...
Millennium Instrument Limited  (MIEPL)
Hydraulic Pressure Transmitter 8253 – Hydraulic Pressure Transmitter
Features Smallest design Excellent temperature resistance...
FPT 8235 – Flush Membrane Transmitter
The Flush Membrane Transmitter FPT is based on Trafag’s own thin-film-on-steel technology and the in-house developed high performance ASIC chip electr...

Automation, Instrumentation, Calibration products and accessories

Listed in Automation, Instrumentation, Calibration products and accessories by Instronline in India

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