Related Instronline Products
At Instronline, we give value in the words very seriously as we keep our commitment positively and response it accordingly. We believe to get satisfaction only by providing quality products in time and also we understand that cost is significant factor to our customers.

Our Products
Programming Software for GLOFA series GMWIN is a software tool to write a program and debug for all type of GLOFA PLC. Its international standard lang...
LSis (LG)
SITRANS FM MAG 6000 I/MAG 6000 I Ex de flow transmitter - iCenta
The SITRANS F M MAG 6000 I/MAG 6000 I Ex transmitter is de- signed for the demands in the process industry. The robust die cast aluminum housing provi...
SITRANS F RA110 electric flow register
The display of the electric flow register is a universal LCD for converting the measured value and displaying the current value, total value and accum...
Mini ISO Valve - Solenoid
ITEM: V45A611D-C313A *High performance, compact design *Flexible sub-base system *Multipressure system capability *Wide range of accessories ...
Miniature Pressure Regulator (M55)
The Fairchild Model 55 is a compact precision polymer pressure regulator for high performance applications where space or weight may be limited or mat...
TPHADA High pressure Bonded strain gauge - Volt or mA output
Ranges: from: 0...1000 to 0...5000 bar Output signal 4...20mA 2 wires / 0,1...5,1Vdc / 0.1...10.1Vdc / 0...5Vdc / 0...10Vdc / 1...5Vdc / 1...6Vdc / 1...
SITRANS P DS III Digital Pressure Transmitters
SITRANS P DS III pressure transmitters are digital pressure transmitters featuring extensive user-friendliness and high accuracy. The parameteriza...
PRECISE DPS2000 Digital Pressure Transmitter
PRECISEDPS2000 Digital Pressure Transmitter ThePRECISEDPS2000 Series digital pressuretransmitter is an ultra high accuracy digitalpressure and temper...
GE Mesurement
MDS03 Threaded Diaphragm Seal - High Pressure Mini Seal
MIEPL make diaphragm seals, mounted with pressure gauges, process transmitters, pressure switches etc. By using diaphragm seals, the measuring instrum...
Millennium Instrument Limited  (MIEPL)
Sitrans FM Magflo Mag 5100 W Electromagnetic Flow Sensor Flow Meter
The SITRANS F M MAG 5100 W with its patented liners of hard rubber NBR or ebonite and EPDM is a sensor for all water applications such as ground wat...
Ace™ basis weight control valve
Neles Ace is the ultimate solution for basis weight control which is one of the most critical applications for a valve in a paper machine. The unit co...
PV411A 4-in-1 Multifunction Pressure and Vacuum Hand Pump
GE's PV411A ispart of our Essential range, thishigh quality, field proven, pressure and vacuum hand pump provides functionality never before seen in a...
GE Mesurement

Automation, Instrumentation, Calibration products and accessories

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